App del giorno iOS: Ice Lakes gratis su App Store

App del giorno iOS: Ice Lakes gratis su App Store Eccoci come sempre ad un nuovo appuntamento con la nostra rubrica per le app in saldo. Si tratta infatti di app o giochi in offerta gratuita per iOS, iPhone ed iPad. Per poche ore, dunque, potrete scaricare gratis app o giochi altrimenti a pagamento. Oggi vi proponiamo in offerta gratuita Ice Lakes, che presenta le seguenti caratteristiche: Ice Lakes is an ultimate ice fishing game with a sandbox approach to wintertime fishing. Rare subject, stunning graphics, realistic physics, fish behavior system, wide selection of fishing gear, different game modes in the various locations around the world, changing season, day time and weather conditions that also affect fish behavior makes Ice Lakes the ultimate ice fishing simulator. Key Features: – 15 competition modes – 14 tournaments – Over 20 fish species – 12 open world maps – Extensive statistics about everything – Character customization – Rod movement with or without inertia sensors – Changing weather and time of day – Change of seasons (fall, winter, spring) – Fish behavior engine

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Pubblicato il: 7 Settembre 2016

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